
Shielded | Short Film (2020)

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I created this short film whilst in lockdown and having to socially distance from my wife as she is listed as a vulnerable person, as she has had a heart and lung transplant. I feature the term “shielded” as this was the term used medically, I thought it was fitting since during lockdown our planet has been temporarily shielded from us. Pollution is at an all-time low and the world seems to be flourishing during the break from humanity. The task set by Raindance Film Festival was to create a 60 second film to help raise awareness as we approach world Earth Day, in relation to the effects we have on our planet. The theme had to be about sustainability and the film had to feature something broken, that being my wife’s heath and the specialists involved to support and sustain her life, and how she in turns sustains her environment. I filmed, directed and edited it myself. I even stepped out of my own comfort zone by doing the voice over


15th August 2020


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